Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Our office is located at:

3545 Probasco Place

Chattanooga, TN 37411


If you happen to be shooting near us, we may deliver your order instead of shipping via common carriers.


Is shipping really free?

YES! Shipping is FREE for orders that are 4 weeks/30 days or longer. We'll send you the return labels for the trip back as well.


Please note that free shipping consists of one delivery and one pickup. We will not ship items back and forth in between off times. Since our rates are so low compared to renting locally, it's not necessary to pickup and dropoff during breaks in filming. This saves production time and money by not having a person making trip after trip to the rental house. We'll ship you the gear at the start of production and you'll send it back at the end. Simple and easy.


Standard shipping is via FedEx ground, as they accept shipping cases more readily than UPS. We'll let you know the number of days in transit for your order. If you need it sooner than standard ground shipping, we can arrange expedited shipping at an additional charge.


Unfortunately, one week rentals do not qualify for free shipping. If you'd like to rent equipment for only one week, we'll quote for shipping for your exact order.


Does the rental period include time in transit?

No, you only pay for the rental period that covers your shoot. We'll ship the equipment early enough to arrive at your location two days early. Why two days early? This gives your an extra day of padding should there be a problem in transit. That way even if the carrier is a day late, you'll still recieve everything in time.


You must drop the equipment off or schedule a pick up with the carrier the day after your rental ends or billing will continue on a weekly basis until we receive notice the equipment has been picked up.

What are your payment terms?

Rental must be paid in full before equipment is shipped or picked up.


We accept all major credit cards:


Credit Cards We Accept Logo


Is insurance required?

Yes, to rent equipment you must furnish proof of insurance coverage for equipment damage and loss. The certificate must name our parent company, Department Blue, as Loss Payee / Additional Insured.


Your policity must cover the value of the equipment you are renting. We will provide you with a total value to ensure your coverage is adequate.